Auto parts industry outlook

At present, the auto parts field innovation elements has formed a certain accumulation, innovation environment gradually improved, the relevant financial and industrial policy steady rise of continuous optimization, the number of invention patents, the industry chain is constantly improve, so the positive momentum is constant for a long time, China's auto industry will shift from the past to do mass and stronger power. The value of auto parts industry is still lower than the international average. So whether from the growth of Chinese automobile industry or from the rule of industrial structure adjustment and upgrading of Chinese automobile parts industry, there is still great space for Chinese automobile parts industry in the coming years. In the future, the auto parts industry will have the following development prospects:

1. The process of industrial integration and restructuring is accelerated

With the increasingly fierce competition in the domestic automobile industry, consumers have become more sensitive to the price of automobiles, which puts forward new requirements for the cost control level of auto parts enterprises. Auto parts production has a strong scale and brand economic effect, through large-scale organization of production, transportation can effectively reduce production costs, and improve product supply capacity and brand awareness. Therefore, through the integration of internal and external resources, to improve the overall scale and reduce production costs will be one of the core competitiveness of auto parts enterprises in the future.

2. Modularity and lightweight promote industrial reform

Due to the increasing competition pattern in the automobile industry, the requirements of automobile manufacturing level are getting higher and higher. New technologies such as "modularity" and "lightweight" are gradually improved and applied to the production link. With the gradual promotion of modular technology, automobile manufacturers will greatly reduce the number of auto parts procurement, and promote the procurement mode from "single product procurement" to "module procurement". Therefore, the future of parts and components of a single manufacturer or will be integrated, or even eliminated by the market. The innovation of the core parts of the automobile brings development opportunities for the excellent parts manufacturers, and finally helps them to realize the curve overtaking.

Post time: Jun-20-2022